
Pre-Campaign Pledge 2023

  • ‎On December 20th and 21th, for only 36 hours, every dollar you give will have DOUBLE the impact!‎

    ‎Generous matching donors have come forward to once again help Chabad of Altamonte Springs end off a great year with an ambitious End-of-Year Campaign. They will match every donation made to Chabad of Altamonte Springs, dollar for dollar, up to $100,000! ‎‎

    Please use this form to pre-pledge your donation, which will be added to the campaign once it starts. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

    Credit Card
    Please mail check to:
    Chabad of Altamonte Springs
    195 S Westmonte Dr #1126
    Altamonte Springs, FL 32714
    Billing Address
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