Mazal Tov on the newest addition to your family!
If you are expecting (or have just had) a boy, you may be considering a Brit Milah or Bris ceremony for your son. This ritual, which occurs on the eighth day of the baby’s life, includes the timeless ceremony of circumcision and the formal entry into the covenant of the Jewish people. Traditionally, the Hebrew name is announced at this time as well, linking him both to his family and to the historic tradition of our people.
Rabbi Bronstein is able to provide you with additional information on this momentous occasion in the life of a baby boy and his family and give you contact information for Mohalim (specially-trained professionals who perform the circumcision) in your area.
Rabbi Bronstein may also officiate at the Bris and baby naming ceremony with a public naming ceremony at the bimah of our congregation. We are happy to share this experience with you, and your family.
To learn more, please connect with us at:
[email protected] / 407-280-0535.